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  • We introduce Akshar Machine Tools as a leading in engineering industries with strong foundation in the Manufacturer & Exporter of Universal Tools & Cutter Grinder & SPM Machine.

    Our plant is located at Rajkot industrial area. The plant has modern facility for manufacturing quality products. Akshar Machine Tools has technically strong management team having rich and diverse experience in Universal Tools & Cutter Grinder & SPM Machine.

    We have qualified professional and experience personel in all our department, efficient management, skill team, state-of-art infrastructure and standard process are the real strength of Akshar Machine Tools for meeting complete customer satisfaction.

    Quality : 
    Quality is at every step at Aurasa. Every process here starts with quality. We take special care in the production of hygienically best quality products for our consumers. Every process here is under strict vigil of the quality control inspectors. The end products are hygienically packed to provide total satisfaction to our valuable customers.

    Infrastructure :
    Using the expertise of our in-house Research & Development, we are continually working on new solutions to produce new products.Akshar Machine Tools is perfectly placed to handle your critical therapeutic requirements.

    At Akshar Machine Tools, we continually strive to develop ideas that have one purpose in mind - Yield Improvement. Our continuous investment into Research and Development ensure that we will remain at the forefront of our markets for the future. 


Happy Clients and lots more year ahead will be added.


Projects of unsurpassed products and services to the clients.


Support To embrace new technologies and methods.


Hard Workers provide high quality service to customers.

Circular Saw * Heavy Duty Lathe Machine * Hydraulic Hacksaw Machine * Jig Saw Machine * Machinery Wood Working Machinery * Machines Wood Working Machines * Other Machines * Router Machine * Spindle Moulders * Universal Tool And Cutter Grinder * Wood And Metal Cutting Bandsaw * Wood Working Bandsaw * Wood Working Machinery * Wood Working Machines